It's passed midnight, and right now I'm supposed to be working on a part of a research paper that's due tomorrow morning in class. But I'm obviously not doing that.
I seriously don't know what the deal is with people these days. I feel like it's getting more and more difficult to trust people around here. I know I have made some good friends during my stay here at ASU, but I'm not stupid and I have noticed a lot of things about a lot of people that just blow my mind.
First, let me just throw this out there... People who call themselves Christians who act like the world just chap me. Either you love Jesus, or you don't. Either you honor Him, or you don't. Now, I am certainly not a perfect person whatsoever. I am a dirty sinner, and betray my Jesus every single day. Everyone does. It's just who we are. But that doesn't mean that we should knowingly live a lifestyle of sin and then take God's forgiveness and grace for granted.
I'm tired of seeing and hearing people preach one thing, and then live out something completely different. I've seen what goes on behind the curtains, because I was there. The thing is.. their lives don't match up to what they're preaching. I'm not talking about one specific person.. I'm just talking about people in general.
Second. Two-faced people. Just... get with the program and grow up! Be straight up with people! If you don't like what someone has to say, tell them! Don't go around gossiping to other people and then go back and be that person's best friend the next day. It's tiring. Just don't gossip in general! Nothing good comes out of that.
Third. I'm tired of people bringing up things from the past. Yes, I know what I did. Yes, I know what happened. Yes, I know how other people feel about it. Blah. Blah. BLAH!.. I've heard the same things over and over. With all do respect, people... MOVE ON! It happened a long time ago. The people who are supposed to be my church friends and my christian buddies are, surprisingly, the ones who keep doing this. These are the people that I'm supposed to be able to go to for advice about life.. not to be bashed by what I did in the past. Seriously!? Is there something wrong with this picture, or is it just me?
Anyway, some things just need to be changed when it comes to true friendship, true leadership, and true Christianity.
It is honestly so so hard to find genuine people.