There are several things you should know about me.

- I am waiting for you.
- I want to be the couple that people look at and say, "Dang, I want to have a relationship like THAT one day!"
- I have a slight stutter. It's okay to make fun.
- I'm still working on my cooking skills.
- I talk in my sleep. And I move around a lot.
- I do not like Dr. Pepper. (just warning you)
- When in doubt -- Caramel macchiatos.
- Can we have fun dinner parties with our church family and friends? That would be fun.
- I hate screamo music.
- But I love John Mayer, Frank Sinatra, Matchbox Twenty, Dave Barnes, and many others.
- I go to church every Sunday. If I skip, then it just feels weird.
- Date nights are a must. Not necessarily all the time, but an occasional outing for just you and me is absolutely perfect.
- I want us to still interlock fingers when we hold hands, even when we're 85 years old.
- Kisses on the cheek are still acceptable at that age as well. :)
- They say that when girls look for someone to marry they look for characteristics that their father had. If this is the case, I know you are going to be a wonderful leader, father, husband, and Christlike figure in our family.
- Pet names. Cheesy, but cute. Expect them.
- I'm a huge fan of hand written letters.
- I hope you encourage me to go to church and other church activities. I want us and our family to be active in our church. That's how I was raised and it's how I want to be with you and our kids.
- please go grocery shopping with me.
- We are going to have the craziest, most amazing memories and adventures together.
- Because of some people in my past, I have developed trust issues. But with the help of Jesus, and just by seeing your face, all of these issues will disappear.
- Marriage will be hard. But when it comes right down to it, promise me that you'll fight for me rather than with me.
- I am yours and you are mine. -SOS 6:3
- I will steal your clothes and wear them.. All the time.
- Let's travel.
- I love talking about the Bible. I love reading the Bible. I love quiet times. I plan to do these things with you every day.
- When I laugh, I laugh! I never really hold anything back when it comes to laughing.
- No cats allowed.
- You will get pranked. Watch yourself!
- During Christmas, we will read the real Christmas story in the bible. This was always an amazing tradition in my home. I loved it, and plan on continuing this tradition.
- I want you to be so close to God, that the only way for me to get closer to you, is to get closer to Him.
- Divorce will never be an option. No matter how much I dislike you at that time. Love never fails.
- I've had issues with purity in the past, but I've gotten things right with God and He knows my heart's true desires. I promise to wait for you and to keep my heart, soul, and body pure just for you.
- I will never stop praying for you. I will never stop loving you. I will always protect you and fight for you. Wait for me. I am waiting for you.
Wow. Thays truly amazimg and i will be praying thay guy comes along for you. You sound like a wonderful woman of God. Keep loving Christ and tell more people of his majesty and glory that is uncomprehendable and the love he has for us:) jushtay14