Jan 2, 2014


First things first.
Happy New Year!
Just forget I ever posted my last blog post. I thought I was going to do a "Relaunch", but obviously it didn't follow through. I didn't think I would really get back on track with my blogging.
But just recently, I've gone through quite a bit. The past year has been nothing but constant change. Physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually. Literally in every way possible. And so to be honest, I lost a lot of inspiration. I stopped doing the things that I was passionate about. I stopped hanging out with my friends. I stopped eating healthy and taking care of myself physically, gaining some wait in the process. I stopped doing things FOR ME. I've always been the kind of person who puts others before myself, and their feelings before my own. I don't count that as a bad trait at all, I just took it a little too far. To the point where I lost myself and who I was completely because I never did anything for myself.
I love serving people. I love helping them in any way that I can. But I think helping people and being a servant is a different kind of "putting others before myself" situation than what I'm talking about here. I made decisions based on what was best for other people and not what was best for me. I was always trying to please my friends, my (at the time) boyfriend, the people in my church, even my own parents. I was in a constant state of pleasing other people, despite how it effected me and my own life. Unfortunately, it took me a long time to figure this out. I ended up breaking a couple of hearts (my own included).
I wanted to start blogging again because I know it's something that I truly enjoyed doing. It inspires me to take more pictures, and to just do more fun things.
I believe that if we don't treat ourselves a certain way, we will go insane. And it doesn't matter what other people say to us to make us feel better if all we are doing is constantly hating who we are. I am blessed to have people in my life who call me out on my crap. I thank you.
And so now I've come to this. To live a fun and exciting life, and not a comfortable one.


  1. Oh Ivy, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I spent so long as a people pleaser that I had to start focusing on myself because really, how could I give when there was nothing in me left?

    Take time to redevelop and discover yourself and what God has in store for you.

    You may even find (as I'm finding now) that those who knew you during your overextended giving and loss of self, may be shocked and displeased.

    I'm there right now with some family who are shocked that I'm making a stand, because I'm no longer a people-pleaser. I've changed. I've grown, yet they're unwilling to accept that.

    Stay strong, stay godly, and stay YOU!

    1. Thank you so much, Terry! That really means a lot!
