Dec 23, 2011

Christmas in the 90's.

90's kids were lucky enough to have some of the coolest toys, games, and gadgets available to us! Check out some of the hottest items a 90's kid would've had on his or her Christmas list!

Moon Shoes
Remember these? They were probably the most awesome toy anyone ever got, and even so they barely got used. Mostly because I'm pretty sure we injured ourselves upon first use. But still! They were like trampolines for your feet, and it really did feel like walking on the moon!

Why would you waste your time with an ordinary jump rope when you could play with a Skip-It? Exactly! You wouldn't!

Creepy Crawlers
Creepy Crawlers - like Easy Bake Oven, but for boys! Baking brownies and cupcakes is for sissies - bring on the insects!

Koosh Ball
They're the perfect stocking stuffer!

It's like having your very own pet! Except not... at all. But every girl at school has one attached to her mini backpack, and I need one, too! Do you want me to get made fun of? Well, do you? That's what I thought.

This stuff was disgusting, and was the easiest toy in the world to ruin. If it touched anything at all, it would end up with chunks and fuzz mixed in with its goop. But that just meant you needed more in your stocking next Christmas!
Hey. It was advertised on Nickelodeon, and even carried the name on its packaging! That obviously meant it was made of gold.

Silly Putty
The less cool, but more reliable older brother of Gak was Silly Putty. This stuff is awesome! You can stretch it, form it into cool things, and roll it into a ball and bounce it! Not only that, but you can copy newspaper ink over onto it! Why would you need to do that, you ask? Because it's fun! Stop asking stupid questions and give me back my Silly Putty.

Super Soaker
No, seriously! I promise I won't shoot my sister in the face! You have my word! Please? Please please please?!

Roller Blades
No 90's kid would be caught dead at the skating rink in anything but inline skates!

Super Nintendo
The much-coveted Super Nintendo was the greatest gift to get in the 90's! That is, until the N64 hit the market. If you were slightly less lucky (or already had one of the bigger consoles), a GameBoy was the next best thing.
And remember: if the game isn't working, just blow in it. Everything will be okay.

This was a must-have after 'Home Alone 2' hit theaters!

My Little Pony
What 90's girl didn't have at least a small collection of My Little Ponies? I'll tell you who. No one!

Even if you had no idea what in the world they were for, you still wanted them in an assortment of awesome designs! Remember the stands at the mall? And perusing their displays for hours?

Beanie Babies
Oh my gosh! I found the owl! It'll be worth loads of money someday! Hold this lady down while I grab it. Now run! Go, go, go!

Tickle Me Elmo
I'm pretty sure people got trampled trying to buy these back in the 90s. "My... kid... must... have... ELMO!" Famous last words.

Micro Machines
These tiny little cars were all in the rage in the 90's!

Bop It
Bop It still exists in various incarnations, but remember when the original version was released in the 90s? It was so addictive! It was really hard to put it down.

Stretch Armstrong
Two words. Freakishly amazing. Did anyone else ever cut this guy open to see what all that stuff was inside?

Power Wheels
Was there any cooler toy in the 90s than Power Wheels? I mean, the rest of this list is pretty darn awesome, but these really made you feel like you were on top of the world. That is, until the battery died. Which, it pretty much always did, much sooner than anticipated.
Wait, what am I saying? They were awesome and flawless. Case closed.

Dec 16, 2011

Yes, Please!

Can I have/do these things/go to these places pleeeeaaassssee?? ;) 

Kisses ;)
Movie night!
Golden Doodles AND German Shepherds!
This reminded me of Pride & Prejudice :)
Tea time!
Hey I can dream big, right? ;)
I would not mind this at all!
My children.. someday!
My family.. someday!
Perfect for coffee times, and bible times! :)

Oh well... I can dream.. ;)

Dec 14, 2011

Worthy of Love, & Beautiful.

I've been thinking a lot lately on 'what I should blog about next.' I ask people and they give me great topics to write over, but it seems as though every time I try to start typing about a certain topic, the words just will not come to me. I felt kind of bad about it at first because these were great things to write about, and I love reading about them myself, but I realized that if I do not have the true desire to write about something, the words will not come to me. And so I pray. I pray to be inspired, for this is the only way I can pour my heart into something.

My prayers were soon answered.


I have a huge, serious, burning passion for young teenage girls who are lost, broken, or hurt. Or all of the above. I have seen a lot more of this since I have been at college. It breaks my heart to see that girls are giving themselves up for guys who do not even respect them. After the guy tells her that he "loves" her, she decides that she loves him too and eventually will give herself up to him; physically and emotionally. This is how most of high school relationships (and even many college relationships) go these days.
On a different note, I hate seeing girls using magazines as their bibles. That may sound kind of intense but that's what it has become. I remember when I was in junior high, my friends and I always loved reading J-14, Cosmo, and Seventeen magazines. Sure there were some cool products that the adds were selling and whatnot, but then there always were those pictures. Pictures of those models. "Wow, who would want to be that skinny!?" we would ask ourselves. "No one even looks like that!"... Sure, we said these things to ourselves, and sure, they were probably true. But on the inside we thought, "I wish I had her body." or "Maybe if I just didn't eat as much, then maybe (insert dude's name here) would notice me." I wish I could go back in time and tell that 14-year-old me what I know now. I would definitely slap some sense into that girl.
My point is this; Jesus knows what a young ladies heart looks like. He knows her every desire. He sees no flaw in us whatsoever.
We just need to remember who exactly we are, and who we are made to be. You were created in the image of God, and God never makes junk. Every person is unique. No two are the same. God sees you as a masterpiece, and when you look in the mirror, he wants you to "know that full well!"

The bible says:
I am a child of God - He is my Father. 1 John 3:1-2
I am Christ's friend. John 15:15
I am a child of promise. Romans 9:8, Galatians 3:14
I am redeemed & forgiven. Ephesians 1:6-8
I have been justified; made righteous. Romans 5:1
I am fearfully & wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
I have eternal life. John 5:24
I am free from condemnation. Romans 8:1
I am chosen of God; holy & beloved. Colossians 3:12
I am a child if light, not darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:5
I am to be a stranger to this world. 1 Peter 2:11
I am to be salt & light to the world. Matthew 5:13-14
I am altogether beautiful. There is no flaw in me. Song of Solomon 4:7
Though my outer self is wasting away, my inner self is being renewed every day. 2 Corinthians 4:16
I am more precious than jewels. Proverbs 3:15
Charm is misleading & beauty fades, but a God-fearing woman is a woman to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
For He chose us, before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in his sight. Ephesians 1:4
I am God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for me to do. Ephesians 2:10

God calls you by name. He didn't call you as part of a blanket invitation; He called you specifically by name. You are a work of his own hands. Like many earthy fathers, God loves seeing you just being you. You are who God says you are. No one else has a vote on who you are. You are free to be you instead of imitating someone else. You are free to use your own, unique, God-given gifts and there is no need to compare your gifts to those of others. There is no one else who can fulfill your purpose here on this earth.
You make me beautiful. You make me stand in awe. 
You look inside my heart, and I am amazed. I love to hear you say who I am is quite enough. 
You make me worthy of love, and beautiful.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.